Mid West

Alex Kern grew up in Geneva, Switzerland. He recalls he enjoyed drawing and painting with Caran d’Ache Gouache and Neocolor (oil pastel) at primary school. He discovered oil painting while attending high school. He remembers visiting many art museums and art galleries in his hometown on rainy Sundays. This must have inspired him to copy French impressionist paintings, like landscapes by Cezanne and Gaugin. Once studying geology and hydrogeology at university, he no longer found the time to pursue his artistic hobby.
After graduating from Geneva University, Alex moved to Australia where he worked as a hydrogeologist for the Government of Western Australia. This gave him opportunities to work all over the state. Alex started photographing the spectacular landscapes while travelling in the outback. Unfortunately, his busy professional life prevented him to pursue painting. It is only when Alex retired seven years ago that he picked up painting again. He started using acrylic paint while attending some art classes at Tuart College and Trinity School for Seniors where he painted all sorts of subjects. One of his art teachers encouraged him to take one on one private tuition, and to switch from acrylic to oil paint.
The main sources of inspiration are the West Australian coastline, bush, and outback. He uses his travel photos to paint landscapes. Alex applies loose, broken brushstrokes to create a sense of movement and spontaneity that reminds us of impressionism; however, with a modern and fresh twist. His coastal landscapes in warm colours take us to see a deep sea and a blue sky filled with sun and warmth. Alex uses broad brush strokes to paint skies so that his neat skies contrast with the busy foregrounds. Alex has a professional eye for painting rocks. Besides painting landscapes, he likes painting portraits too.
Alex frames his paintings and therefore he is not worried about painting the sides of the canvas. He says he is often lucky to find excellent quality frames in nearby op shops.
Alex paints for pleasure. He has not exhibited his artwork yet, believing he still needs to improve his skills. However, he said he is running out of wall space at home and therefore must consider parting with some of his artwork soon.
Super Alex, ein echter Künstler von sehr ausdrucksvollen Bildern. Da spürt man das gute Auge für die herrliche Natur mit ihren oft versteckten Einzelheiten. Ganz herzliche Gratulation zu deiner Auszeichnung und deinem Erfolg.
Ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Freude beim Malen und Beobachten.
Ganz herzliche Grüsse