The West Australian Society of Arts 2023 Annual Exhibition has a new location. The 127th exhibition will be held at the South Perth Community Hall from April 14th – 16th.

This Year’s Prizes

WASA is delighted to announce the main prize for the 127th WASA Exhibition will be $5,000.  GlobeVista will be WASA’s major sponsor.

In addition to prize money, WASA has commissioned the talented Karen Frankel to create our awards this year. The winner of each category will receive a beautiful piece of artwork individually designed by Karen for the exhibition.

Drop Off Time

All art must be dropped off at South Perth Community Hall on 13th April 2023 between 10 am – 1 pm.

Member Roster

It is a condition of entry that exhibitors must volunteer in two sessions during the exhibition. Please fill in the roster below with your preferred timeslots and send to

WASA roster 2023 1

Frequently Asked Questions


Q. In the 3D entry form it states the following :
Artists are invited to enter up to three artworks for exhibition, sale and awards.
Cost for artwork $30 – 3 pieces

 Is this a total of $30 for 3 pieces? Or $30 per piece?

WASA Answer: The 3D cost is $30 for 3 artworks

Q: In the 2D entry form it states:
Artists are invited to enter up to four artworks for exhibition, sale, and awards.
Cost for artwork PER entry is $15.

WASA Answer: Yes, the entry for all 2D art is $15 per artwork

Q. I have entered numerous Art Awards over the last 10 years or so but I have not come across different fees and entry numbers between 2D and 3D works. This is a first. What is the justification/reasoning for the difference in the number of entries allowed, as well as different entry fees between 2D and 3D work?

WASA Answer: This is the first major exhibition that WASA has had both 3D and 2D art that warrants totally separate and different applications for entry. WASA may well change these criteria in the future but for this first major exhibition, the committee believed this the best way to encourage and exhibit the art.

Q: Can I enter both, 2D as well as 3D? If yes – how many pieces in total?

WASA Answer. Any WASA member may enter both 2D and 3D art. The total pieces entered must not exceed 3 pieces of 3D ($30) and 4 pieces of 2D art ($60). The total cost in this case as per the categories would be $90.


Q.  Quite a few members who are and have been very active in the WA Pastel Society (and who are exhibitors with many awards including past Presidents) have requested personally and through the Survey, that the section in the WASA Exhibition is in line with the Australian and indeed the Worlds Pastel Societies’. We are all dissatisfied that this section is not confined to DRY PASTEL only and on the WASA form includes Oil Pastel This medium in all other Societies comes under Mixed Media. I trust you can amend this for the Pastelists.

WASA Answer:  Originally, the WASA committee decided to include all pastels including those known as Oil Pastels with the Dry Pastels and all other forms of pastels together using the public definition of pastels. However, on the advice obtained from the Pastel Society of WA, this decision has been changed to place any art painted using the oil variety of pastels in the category of Mixed Media for the awards exhibition. The advice of the Pastel Society of WA is respected as the authority on Pastel art.