Janie Benzie Artist of Month July 2024

Janie is a graduate of Claremont School of Art and has been painting and drawing professionally since the mid 90’s.

She is proficient in both oils and watercolour and also works in pastel.

She maintains an interest in life drawing of models and has been practising this for over 30 years.  Initially these drawings (which were executed in charcoal} were done for practice and were not exhibited.  However, over the last ten years she has taken the drawings to a new level by “dressing” her models in outfits which were painted in pen and ink.  She often included animals in these paintings.  She progressed from this to painting outfits in watercolour and more recently fashioning them in paper that had been hand-printed by herself. 

She maintains an interest in still-life paintings which are most often executed in oils.

Her work is in local, interstate and overseas collections and can be viewed in Instagram under Janiebenzie.

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