Join Now

Jacksons & Oxlades


By joining the West Australian Society of Arts, you will become a member of the oldest, most prestigious and recognized art society in Western Australia.  The Society is a Not-For-Profit organization with a growing membership.
WASA is a voluntary organization, and the WASA Committee encourages all members to contribute to the everyday running of such a successful organization.
Volunteering to contribute to WASA has immense benefits, both personally and to the community. Members will grow their experience and networks in the WA art scene and be rewarded with results they can be proud of.
The WASA Committee reserves the right to approve and accept all WASA membership applications; you are encouraged to view the WASA Constitution and WASA Terms & Conditions at the bottom of this page before paying your subscription. By proceeding to payment, you will have indicated your acceptance of the WASA Terms & Conditions and WASA

Membership Fees for 2024 - 2025

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP PER ANNUM - $50.00 - Associate Membership is only available for approved partnership programs eg Defense Art Skills Program For further information and payment contact

WASA Country Members – WASA members living 100kmor more from Perth CBD $ 50.00
WASA Disabled Members - $ 50.00 - must hold a current Disability Card.
WASA Student Members - Student members must hold a current student card or equivalent, or members must participate in an agreed Mentor Program with an accredited WASA artist. $ 50.00
WASA Senior Members - On application only, those aged 75 years or over who have held continuous WASA membership for more than five years will have annual membership fees waived but will still be required to pay for exhibitions and events. No Fee
WASA Life membership - Awarded for a high level of committed service. Exhibition Fees will be waived. No Fee
Visitor fee - (per visit) $20.00

WASA New Member - Credit Card Payments - Click below

WASA Membership EFT Payments
Remember to complete the member's contact detail form after making an EFT payment. Download the New Member form and email it to:
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 
Account Name:  West Australian Society of Arts
BSB:             066 118 
ACCOUNT:  1048 1072
Reference:  Your Name

Please note:  no refunds will be issued.