The West Australian Society of Arts Inc. platinum members have worked hard to win their place in our Hall of Fame.
How to become a Platinum Member
WASA members show their work at the Society’s Monthly Competition at our general meetings, and their artistic merit earns a promotion to the highest division.
Each month, a theme is decided by the WASA Committee and is streamed through all their social media outlets to keep members informed.
The judge is generally the guest artist demonstrating on the third Thursday of the month at the meeting.
How to Follow the Points System
Woodward Award - Wilgie Red: 1st place 3 points, 2nd place 2 points, 3rd place 1 point. 6 points to move to Gibbs Award - Blue.
Gibbs Award - Blue: 1st place: 2 points, 2nd place 1 point. 6 points to move to Temple-Poole Award - Gold.
Temple-Poole Award - Gold: 1st place: 2 points, 2nd place 1 point. 8 points to move to Forrest Award - Platinum.
Forrest Award - Platinum: 1st place & 2nd place.
When Platinum level is achieved a certificate is presented to the artist at the next monthly WASA meeting, the artist CV and 4 paintings will feature in the Platinum Hall of Fame.
This page is currently under reconstruction, we will endeavor to have it completed as soon as possible thankyou for your patience.
Click on the paintings below to view the members…
Jenny Davies
Val Brooks
Wendy Line
Peter Reynolds
Ray Eastwood
Roger Bayzand
Margaret Mundy
Lucy Papalia