BEBA HALL -January Artist of the Month 2023

Beba Hall – Mixed Media Artist

The essence of my artwork lies in metaphors depicting stories and memories of my childhood. These stories are layered with mythology and dreams. Stories told to me as a child growing up in a multicultural environment of mixed nationalities, religious beliefs, and cultural traditions.


I love to work in various range of mixed media including textiles, paint mediums, and found objects. My use of patterns to create rich textures and layering colour is influenced by the beauty of my mother’s embroidery. These patterns are often integrated into my paintings as symbols connecting us in my own practice.

Eyes Shut

My mother’s dream was for me to live the life of a ballet dancer and in performance. In high school, I wanted to become a fashion designer but a much-admired teacher told me to become a graphic designer. So with a BA in Design, my first years were spent in advertising and then illustrating children’s publications.

In 2000, I decided that I really wanted to exhibit as a visual artist and began entering competitions and group shows. Over the years I have been involved in many facets of the arts community. I am a recipient of many art awards and have worked in both private and public collections.
Inspiration comes from nature, my journey as a woman, and a mother, and the magic of people constantly flowing into my life.

My artworks are the symbols of my hope, fears, and desire. They hold the memories of my childhood, the stories I share with my children, and my path to identity. 

About the author

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