Painting and drawing is a part of who I am, how I express myself, explore and process the world and my experiences in it.I am currently studying Fine Art part-time at Curtin University (over half way now!) while also raising two young kids – my inspiration for leaving the corporate world just under four years ago. I am a member, volunteer and regular life drawing participant at Ellis House Art Centre in Bayswater.
My practice is primarily in oil paint. My work explores and uses the materiality of oil paint to capture moments and experiences – nature, memories, moments – children playing, pets running, leaves falling, oceans heaving, coral dancing, sandcastles falling, star gazing. Further to this, I also seek to capture the visceral connections and emotional responses we have in those experiences and moments, the peace, anxiety, fear, confusion and intrigue. In this respect my work presently ranges from, impressionist, expressionist to abstract and can be bright, intense, vibrant, dark – but always textured.
While I primarily work in oil paints I do also enjoy playing with other mediums, particularly charcoal and oil pastels, creating playful works of my children’s leftover fruit – waste not want not!
While I am openly still developing and fine tuning my processes I have been fortunate in selling commissioned artworks, exhibiting in Western Australia and selling work throughout Australia.
I continue to seek to master capturing and portraying the uniqueness of how I process and experience the world, moments, experiences, sensations, fears, desires, frustrations, calm and beauty. It is an honour to have been supported in pursuing a career as an artist, in being an artist and receiving the honest welcome and support I have over the last four years. I am humbled by the opportunity to, progress, develop, learn, observe, express and share, that being an artist brings.