Jan Steinberg – Artist of the Month February

 As a mature student I graduated in education with a major in Art Education.

Initially concentrating on life drawing  and multi media I was diverted back onto my initial career path and artistic endeavours  were put aside.

When time again provided the opportunity to paint, I fell in love with the magical effects and flow of watercolour and set myself the challenge of getting to know it better… to me the adventures this medium presents are endless and I enjoy the challenge of exploring its potential and capabilities… as well as painting large pieces.

I am a member of the WA Society of the Arts and the Watercolour Society of WA and have participated and sold pieces in numerous exhibitions including the WSWA Exploring Watercolour exhibition at the Shipwreck museum, Fremantle, which showcased the magic of watercolour.

In 2021 one of my paintings won the Watercolour Society of WA award for Innovation in Watercolour and  I was privileged to have my painting win the over all award in their 2023 Annual exhibition.

About the author

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